Transformed disengaged staff into high net worth entrepreneurs

LAMID Consulting has repeatedly offered its highly demanded BIZ model to transform disengaged staff to high net worth entrepreneurs.
Capacity Building on Businesses and Financial Management

Capacity Building on Businesses and Financial Management and negotiating joint ventures
Re-engineered operational systems and structures of a leading Restaurant in Nigeria

Re-engineered operational systems and structures of a leading Restaurant in Nigeria
We provided technical expertise to leading Nigerian Entrepreneurs

LAMID Consulting provided technical expertise to leading Nigerian entrepreneurs under its $15m+ International Finance Corporation (IFC) / World Bank Gender Empowerment Fund.
Over 3000 companies have been created and expanded

Over 3000 companies have been created and expanded, and we are still counting…enabling them to maintain an enviable leadership position.
Coronavirus impact on business

Our latest perspectives on the coronavirus outbreak, the twin threats to lives and livelihoods, and how organizations can prepare for the next normal. COVID-19: Briefing note, May 13, 2020 Emerging evidence provides some tantalizing glimpses into the epidemiology of the global pandemic. By Matt Craven, Mihir Mysore, and Matthew Wilson DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES Open interactive popup […]
Re-engineering to achieve an innovation-driven organisation

re-engineering efforts to achieve an innovation-driven organization
Creating and Growing Technology-Driven Businesses

LAMID Consulting designed the business plan and model for The Children’s American Medical Centre (CAMC) – a multi-million US dollar project in Nigeria, modeled after the Children’s National Medical Center Washington, DC, as the first and only private tertiary pediatric hospital in Nigeria catering to children and women. CAMC’s business plan earned the confidence of […]
Sustainable development across the Niger Delta

high-level stakeholder engagement strategies to undertake integrated community needs assessment, and joint planning.
Business plan and model for The Children’s American Medical Centre

CAMC – Children’s American Medical Centre
Collaboration with University of Maryland, Baltimore.