LAMID is guided by its values and commits to partner with clients to focus on performance improvement and growth, by providing real time solutions. We explore face-to-face and online media approaches to ensure that clients’ needs are met by minimizing the barriers posed by cost, time and location, in order to increase the client’s access to our expertise.
Our strategy is underpinned by our management approach and commitment to a value system that emphasizes professionalism and sets the pace of excellence through:
- Focus on clients’ needs
- Adopting value-based innovative approaches
- Evolution of objectives before methods
- Authenticity, simplicity and informality
- Making decisions based on consultation, evidence and objective feedback
- Visionary leadership with clear and powerful communication strategies
- A collaborative team effort of a small core of well-trained professionals
- Building on what exists
- Implementing international best practices
- Transferring technical expertise to clients
- Robust modern information systems and technology